Fred Pira...

When I think of Michael the words “attentive listener” come to mind. He has a gift of being able to ask pin pointed questions, absorb large sums of information and then frame things in a way that literally blow you away. Having worked with him these last 12 months, he’s been able to provide razor … Continue reading “Fred Pira”

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Ken Tighe...

When we first launched Hybrent there was something about our messaging & marketing that just didn’t sit well with me. When working with Michael he challenged us to think about who our ideal customers really are and then mapped out a process to create a message that would resonate with the multiple customer persona’s we … Continue reading “Ken Tighe”

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Senior Client Market Leader...

I’ve been involved in a “life mastermind” with Michael for the last few years.  I have had the pleasure of getting to know Michael on both a personal and professional level.  I’ve never met anyone with such a drive to not only be the best he can in all aspects of his life (work, family, … Continue reading “Senior Client Market Leader”

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Harold Richards...

Working with Michael has always been a great experience, and educational from a founders prospective. Many times early founders are locked into the dynamics of our product and customer needs, without any clear vision of our brand or market strategy. Michael does a great job bringing all the dynamics together, and helps with breaking them … Continue reading “Harold Richards”

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