We need to be everywhere online and be in as many mediums possible to get out brand out there to grow the business
Some healthcare solutions providers businesses try to differentiate themselves in print and other media, by simply spending more money on products that will help them “Scream louder”.
No wonder why executives and decision makers get confused because everyone is saying the same thing and there’s simply too much noise in the market place.
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a “perfect” sales cycle, or a perfect sales process that you can either build or replicate and unleash on your entire market.
Sorry, but that’s the truth.
To assume otherwise is like treating sales no differently from any mass-produced product, assembled the same way for every customer as quickly as possible to solve a very short list of problems that your customer has.
You see, in healthcare every sales situation is different. Also, every market within healthcare is different and various complexities within each segment exist.
Additionally, every product or service you make is different. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that your sales cycle and sales process needs to reflect these facts and be flexible to meet the needs of each sale.
What’s important is that you need to have a strategy first about how your target organization operates.
Common Mistakes With Creating Your “Perfect” Sales Process
1. You see the Tree, but Miss the Forest
2. Focus on the seller, instead of the customer Inherently, sales processes that work create value for the customer.
Without first-hand insight into the decision maker’s needs and priorities, you risk wasting everyone’s time. But if you can validate your own understanding of the business value you offer the decision maker, even helping the decision maker generate a consensus if necessary, you create value for everyone. Getting credit for these things is often the key to winning the business.
Everything you do to find, gain, and keep customers should create clear value for them.
Forget to “Show them the Money”
One of my clients developed a customized patient experience assessment model to determine the effectiveness of the patient journey through a facility that would model out the impact of HCAHPS Scores.
The program was magnificent from an organizational development perspective and provided key hospital personnel with many powerful insights.
Unfortunately, they weren’t able to place an ROI to the discovery process. Therefore, questions popped up during their assessment process about what the implications of these inefficiencies in the patient experience were costing the hospital. Where is the process connected to the money?
Ultimately, the client created its own measurement system outside the framework of the training program, making its effectiveness even more powerful and valuable to the client because now they had a metric attached to the gaps seen in the hospitals patient experience process.
What’s important is that you need to have a strategy rst about how your target organization operates.
en from those set of circumstances you need to develop and refine your “precise sales process and model” for that specific customer. Get that down first in a system like manner and then focus on your branding.
Next, you must choose one or two mediums that are most effective first.
Ultimately, the process you implement will have more value than your brand.
Remember, decision makers aren’t just looking at the end goal, they are mired in the logistics and mechanics to implementing and that is more work on their project plate.
Your job is to create a simple and streamlined implementation process where you do the “heavy lifting” so it feels easy for them.
Be Where It Matters, Know What It Takes.
A successful traffic strategy requires specialized skills and knowledge about each platform, not to mention the resources to apply what is necessary to generate significant traffic.
To put it simply, it’s not easy and requires work.
You simply need the right tools for and knowing where your content and message needs to be in front of those that are looking for those answers.